I've decided to partake in a Reading Challenge for 2011!
I am going to start out relatively easy and say my goal 50 books finished on or before December 31, 2011.
So far I have two down and am in the middle of 2 more! I typically have two books going at once -- one physical book and one audio book. With any luck, I'll reach the 50 book mark well before my deadline. If that's the case, I'll up my goal. We shall see.
I've been trying to figure out how to link to my Goodread account that has a widget for my books read in 2011. I'm not having so much luck with that at the moment...
Last year (2010) I actually wrote down each and every book that I read or listened to and the total was 84!!! It's amazing how many books you can get through when you are listening and not physically turning pages, don't you think?! This total was not including the books that I narrated for LibriVox though.