Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reading Challenge

I've decided to partake in a Reading Challenge for 2011!

I am going to start out relatively easy and say my goal 50 books finished on or before December 31, 2011.

So far I have two down and am in the middle of 2 more!  I typically have two books going at once -- one physical book and one audio book.  With any luck, I'll reach the 50 book mark well before my deadline.  If that's the case, I'll up my goal.  We shall see.

I've been trying to figure out how to link to my Goodread account that has a widget for my books read in 2011. I'm not having so much luck with that at the moment...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball by Donita K. Paul

How exciting!  I just finished the first review book I received from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing!  The book is Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball by Donita K. Paul.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book.  It wasn't very long, only 226 pages with relatively large print. The main plot was your basic love story.  Cora and Simon had worked together in the same office for several years but had never really noticed each other.  Then, they unexpectedly run into each other at an out of the way bookstore and circumstances seem to keep throwing them together.

I found the little magical touches that the author added really made the story more enjoyable.  She doesn't create a whole new fanciful world for her characters, but she does toss in just enough magic to help combat the predictability of her plot.

The characters of Cora and Simon were very well constructed.  They were written to be characters that you know from work or from church or the community.  Cora is that woman who is always struggling to find true happiness and overcome a tough past.  Simon is that guy who is so focused on his work that he forgets about the people that come in and out of his life.  I think that everyone can relate to these characters, whether they are like Simon and Cora or just know someone like the characters.  This aspect of the book was really what kept me interested.  Since it was so easy to get invested in the characters, I was eager to see how their story would unfold.

Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball is a quick read.  Its light, feel-good message is one that everyone should hear, especially during the stressful time of Christmas.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys whimsical fairy tale-type stories.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.